Thursday, May 31, 2012

About Asthma in Children

Asthma in Children
No one really knows why children suffer more often from asthma.Some experts suggest that children are exposed to more allergens such as dust, air pollution and passive smoking. All these factors are triggers of asthma. Others suspect that children are not exposed to enough childhood illnesses to build their immune system. It seems to play an immune system disorder where the body does not have enough protective antibodies may play a role in making the development of asthma.
And still others suggest that the decreasing rates of breastfeeding are important substances of the immune system are transmitted to babies prevented.

Remember that all children have the same asthma symptoms, and these symptoms can result from asthma to the next row in the same child. Also note is that all the wheezing and coughing caused by asthma.

In children under 5 years, the most common cause of asthma-like symptoms is upper respiratory viral infections like colds.

If your child has a problem breathing, take him or doctor immediately for an evaluation.

Asthma is often difficult to diagnose in infants. However, older children, the disease is often based on your child's medical history, symptoms and physical examination are diagnosed.
cause asthma
Medical history and description of symptoms. The child's doctor will be interested in a history of respiratory problems was you or your child may have, and family history of asthma, allergies, a skin condition called eczema, or other lung diseases. It is important that you describe your child's symptoms - cough, wheezing, shortness of breath, chest pain or tightness - in detail, including when and how often these symptoms occurred.
The physical examination. During the physical examination, the doctor hears the heart of your child and the lungs.

Trials. Many children are also a chest radiograph and lung function tests. Well as pulmonary function tests, these tests measure the amount of air in the lungs and how fast it can be exhaled. The results help the doctor determine the severity of asthma. Generally, children under 5 years are not able to perform lung function tests. Enabling doctors rely heavily on history, symptoms and examination to make the diagnosis.

Other tests may be ordered to determine the cause of asthma in particular. These tests can allergy skin tests, blood tests and x-rays to determine whether infections of the sinuses or illness of gastroesophageal reflux disease (a condition of the gastro-intestinal reflux of acid causes the stomach into the esophagus or even into the lungs) is more difficult asthma.

Based on the history of your child and the severity of asthma, your doctor will develop a care plan, a so-called "action plan for asthma."The action plan describes when and how your child used asthma medication for asthma, what to do if asthma worsens, and when to seek emergency care for your child. Do the plan and ask your child to the doctor any questions you may have.

Plan your child from asthma action is essential to successfully control their asthma. Stock holding to remind your child each day to plan for asthma management and to guide you, if your child has asthma symptoms.

In addition to following the plan for your child's asthma action to ensure that exposure is limited to make against asthma triggers, and preferably avoided.

When an infant or child experiences symptoms of asthma requiring bronchodilator more than twice per week, most doctors recommend daily anti-inflammatory drug.

Most medications for asthma, which can be given to adults and older children also safely be prescribed for infants and children.Drugs that are approved for young children, administered in doses adjusted for age and weight. In particular, children aged 4 to prescribed asthma inhaler Advair 's. Advair treats inflammation of the airways at a time and bronchoconstriction. Another called Pulmicort Respules has anti-inflammatory medication for children aged 12 months or longer authorized. In case of inhalation drugs, a different delivery device on the child's age and ability, may be required. (Many children are not in a position to their breathing well enough to coordinate to use a standard inhaler.)

They will probably give you your medication for asthma in children with a home nebulizer, also known as a machine to breathe.Nebulizer delivers medicine to treat asthma, bronchodilators, usually by changing from a liquid to a mist. Your child receives the medication by breathing through a mask. These breathing treatments usually take about 10-15 minutes to complete and receive several times a day. The child's doctor will tell you how often to give your child breathing treatments, the severity of his asthma basis.

The child may be able, a metered dose inhaler (MDI) with a spacer.A spacer is a space that MDI measures and has the burst of the drug. Discuss with your doctor to see your child if an MDI with spacer is right for your child.

You know your child's asthma is well controlled with medication if your child:
- A normal and active lives
- A few troublesome symptoms
In school, every day
Daily activities without difficulty
- A few visits to the emergency physician, hospital or emergency room for asthma

Some side effects of medications for asthma
By learning about asthma and how they can be controlled, take an important step toward managing your child's illness. We urge you to work closely with the team your child's asthma to everything you learn about asthma, how to avoid triggers, run your medications and how do I correct it. With proper care, your child can live without asthma symptoms and maintain a normal and healthy life.

Once a person, the airways become sensitive because of asthma, they stay that way for life. However, experiencing about 50% of children appear to a significant reduction in asthma symptoms when they become adolescents, therefore, to "exceed" have their asthma.About half of these children develop symptoms again in their 30s and / or 40 Unfortunately, there is no way to predict which reduce symptoms in adolescence and later in their life back.

If your child has symptoms of an asthma attack.
- Give your child his / her relief (bronchodilator) medicine for the asthma action plan.
- Wait 5 to 15 minutes. If the symptoms disappear, you should take your child into a position that any activity they did, again. If symptoms persist, follow your child's asthma action plan on continuing treatment. If your child does not improve, or you are not sure what steps to take, call your child's doctor.

Warning signs are wheezing, coughing, severe walking disability severe and / or talking, or blue lips and / or nails. Increasing shortness of breath with wheezing is reduced particularly dangerous because it moves less air in and out of the lungs means. If any of these uncertainty factors are available to go to the emergency room or call 911.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Over of of Migraine Headache

Emily remembers her first bad headache: It was really scary. The pain was incredible, and she felt like she was going to vomit in order. Emily had no idea what was going on. The headaches struck once a month, then once a week. Thus arranged Emily's mother for her to see a doctor.
Migrain Headache
The doctor asked Emily some questions about the pain of headaches and what they ate or did, just before the headache began. He also wanted to know whether someone had in his family (his mother makes a teenager) headache. The doctor has a complete physical exam and ran some tests. It turned out that Emily had migraines. The doctor prescribed medication for headaches Emily and taught her to do things to avoid them.

Almost everyone gets headaches. You may feel throbbing at the front of the head with a cold or the flu campaign, for example. Or you can pain in the temples or the back of the head feel a tension headache after a busy day. Most regular headaches produce a dull pain in the front, top and sides of the head, almost like someone stretched a rubber band around it.

A migraine is different. Doctors define it as a recurring headaches, which has additional symptoms. The pain is often throbbing and on one or both sides of the head. People with migraines often feel dizzy or sick to their stomachs. You may be sensitive to light, sounds, smells, or. Migraines can be disabling, and teens with migraines often have school, sports, work or other activities, skip until they feel better.

If you have migraines, you are not alone. Experts estimate that up to 10% of adolescents and young adults in the U.S. migraine. Before the age of 10 years, the same number of boys and girls suffer from migraine. But after 12 years, affecting both during and after puberty, migraines three times more girls than boys.

Not all scientists agree on the causes of migraine. Many people think that migraine headaches by constricting and dilating the blood vessels in the brain caused. There are also theories that the level of certain chemicals in the brain, the nervous system regulates who can influence pain.

Whatever the cause, the experts agree that different things trigger (off) migraines in people who suffer. For some people, eating certain foods to bring on a migraine. Others find that sleeping too long (or too little) causes a migraine attack.

Some triggers of migraine are common:

- Stress
- Menstruation
- Skipping meals
- Too much caffeine
- Certain foods (alcohol, cheese, pizza, chocolate, ice cream, fatty or fried foods, meats, sausages, yogurt, aspartame, or anything with MSG, a seasoning often used in Asian foods)
- Sudden changes in sleep patterns
- Changes in hormone levels
- Smoking
Climate Change -
- Travel

Experts estimate that the probability of migraine is hereditary. If one of your parents gets migraines, you are more likely to have these types of headaches that someone who has no family history of migraine.

Most migraines last from 30 minutes to 6 hours, may take a few days.

Each migraine begins differently. Some people do not feel right.Light, odor or noise, it can interfere or make them feel worse.Sometimes, if they continue their usual routine after the migraine starts to try, they can cause nausea and vomiting. Often the pain is beginning at one side of the head. The attempt to do physical activities aggravate pain.

Some people get some kind of warning that a migraine is on its way. The most common auras are blurred vision and seeing spots, colored balls, jagged lines, or bright lights or flashes, or smell a certain smell. Auras can be seen in one eye. An aura usually starts about 10 to 30 minutes before the start of a migraine. Some people experience a few migraine premonition hours to days before the attack. This is slightly different from auras and may cravings for different foods, thirst, irritability, or create feelings of intense energy.

Some people with migraines also have muscle weakness, lose their sense of coordination, stumble, or even have trouble talking either just before or while they have a headache.

Since migraine and triggers can vary from patient to patient - in some people, for example, they are triggered by hormones, stress, or in other certain foods - such as doctors treat someone depends on the type of migraine that person gets.

A doctor can ask anyone to understand with migraine, keep a diary to help a headache, which resolves to keep the headaches. If your doctor tells you how to keep a diary, the information you record will help the doctor figure the best treatment. A doctor may also do blood tests or imaging tests, such as a cat or a brain MRI scan to the medical problems that cause headaches, a person could be eliminated.
Part of a treatment, there are some changes in your lifestyle - such as your sleeping habits or eating habits or avoid stressors that trigger your migraines. Your doctor may prescribe a painkiller or on medications that help to start with nausea and vomiting. Some people need medication to prevent a daily regimen to reduce the number and severity of migraine.

Some doctors teach a technique called biofeedback to their patients with migraine. This technique allows a person to learn to relax and take over the brain, control of certain physiological functions (eg heart rate and muscle tension), which cause tension and pain. If the migraine begins slowly, many people can use biofeedback to remain calm and to stop the attack.
There were also some studies that suggest alternative methods such as acupuncture and the use of certain herbs can help in some people. However, it is important to ask your physician about alternative medicines before you try it for themselves. This is especially true of herbal treatments because they can interfere with traditional methods of treatment.

The best way to prevent migraines is to learn what triggers (trigger) your migraines and then try to avoid these triggers. Take a break from activities that have a migraine, such as to cause the computer for a long time. If you know that certain foods trigger your migraines, try to avoid them. Some people find that can help reduce your caffeine intake and drink plenty of water, migraine.

Make a plan for everything you have to do - especially during stressful times like final exams - so you do not feel overwhelmed when things pile up. Regular exercise can reduce stress and feel better. If your doctor has prescribed medication, always have a dose at hand. So if you have a migraine comes the feeling, take your medicine. You can also try lying down in a quiet, darkened room until the pain begins to disappear.

Because migraines are so different from other people, it is useful to keep a diary of headache and learn about the causes of migraine in your own case. The more you understand your headache, you are better prepared for the fight.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

All About of Avian Influenza H5N1

Bird flu (avian influenza) is a disease caused by an influenza virus that primarily affects birds. In the 1990s, was a new strain of bird flu cause arising, notable for its ability to withstand severe illness and death, especially in domestic birds such as ducks, chickens, turkeys or. Therefore, this strain was called highly pathogenic (very strong) of the bird flu.
H5N1 avian influenza
Since the identification of highly pathogenic virus were infected birds in Asia, Europe, Middle East and Africa found. Strict control measures, including destruction of infected flocks and vaccination of healthy birds, have reduced the number of cases, but the virus continues to exist in poultry in parts of Asia and Africa. Avian influenza highly pathogenic strain is not the United States at that time.

The virus is spread from bird to bird by infected birds shed the virus in their saliva, nasal secretions, feces and spread. Healthy birds are infected when they come into contact with contaminated secretions or excretions from infected birds. The contact with contaminated surfaces such as cages could also happen the way the virus from bird to bird. Symptoms in birds range from a slight drop in egg production to the failure of major organs and death.

The first human case of highly pathogenic avian influenza of the disease was identified in 1997 and since then over 560 cases have been identified worldwide with more than 300 deaths. Human cases of HPAI have been largely confined to South Asia and Africa.However, mutations often occur in the virus, and it is possible that some mutations may be a contagious virus epidemic, which could be a regional or a global pandemic of bird flu cause people to create. Fortunately, the changes that have taken place so far, not made the virus more contagious, but remains a concern.
H5N1 cycle
Bird flu is caused by strains of influenza viruses, which evolved to be specifically adapted to penetrate into cells, bird flu. There are three types of influenza A, B and C. The virus that causes bird flu is an influenza A-type with eight RNA strands that make up its genome.Influenza viruses are by analysis of two proteins on the surface of the virus divided. The proteins are called hemagglutinin (H) and neuraminidase (N). There are many different types of proteins, hemagglutinin and neuraminidase. The current highly pathogenic avian influenza of the type 5 and neuraminidase type 1 hemagglutinin has So it is an "H5N1" flu virus.

There are many types of influenza virus, and most prefer to live in a limited number of animals. Sun affects the swine flu swine flu and bird flu strikes in birds. Human influenza is better adapted to humans. Some cases may in accidental hosts, such as when people who have extensive experience contact with sick birds, the bird flu. In addition to humans and birds, we know that pigs can, tigers, leopards, ferrets and domestic cats are often infected with bird flu virus.

Influenza viruses mutate easily and often. These mutations may occur spontaneously or may occur in a single virus, when two different influenza strains is close enough to get exchange genetic material. There are two types of mutations in influenza virus: antigenic variation, where large segments of DNA between the type of influenza virus are exchanged different, and modified antigenic changes, where small RNA sequences were. Antigens variations are usually responsible for the development of new varieties. For example, the causes of 2009 against the swine flu pandemic caused by a virus, the genetic material from swine flu, bird flu and human flu strains. New mutations can escape the virus to the body's immune system and makes it ineffective vaccines. In 2011, a virus mutated strain of highly pathogenic avian influenza in this manner so that existing vaccines ineffective against bird flu used against the new strain. Sometimes a flu virus is mutated in a way which makes it can infect a new species.

A severe flu pandemic occurs when a relatively new strain of influenza virus produced is very contagious to humans. The most deadly pandemic in modern history was the 1918 flu, also known as Spanish flu known (even if it did not originate in Spain). The 1918 virus spread quickly and killed tens of millions of people worldwide.Mortality was particularly high in healthy young adults. Although the virus was in 1918 a human influenza virus, it took a number of genes that probably came from a strain of bird flu. One reason why health authorities to monitor carefully and try to human contact with birds, which is to limit thrive against the bird flu, the chances of a new species, which prefer to avoid resulting in the development of human tissues.

Humans can catch bird flu through contact with infected birds (chickens, for example) or their infected feces or surfaces with faeces. Risk factors include caring for sick birds, killing sick birds, and preparation of sick birds for consumption. Despite the large number of people who have contact with poultry every day in the world, human cases of avian flu are rare. This underlines how difficult it infect the bird flu virus human cells, but mutations such as antigenic changes can reduce these difficulties.

Although direct contact with diseased poultry is the highest risk of indirect exposure to bird droppings is also a risk. Is contact with unwashed eggs from sick birds or water contaminated with feces from poultry is a potential risk of the disease.

Human transmission has occurred in individual cases. In order for the care of a person is infected with bird flu, a risk factor for the disease. There is a theoretical risk in laboratory workers to handle the bird flu virus. An alleged incident in 2009 occurred when a company accidentally sent live avian flu virus samples to research laboratories, which were then used to vaccinate ferrets. The contaminated vaccine made yet in the human cases.

Symptoms appear about two to eight days after exposure, on average. Infected people experience typical flu symptoms like fever, cough, sore throat and muscle aches. Some people also have nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and eye infections. This can lead to pneumonia and even respiratory arrest progress. The bird flu leads to a very aggressive form of pneumonia (respiratory distress syndrome or ARDS), which is often fatal.

Routine tests for human influenza A is positive in patients with bird flu, but are not specific to the bird flu virus. To make an accurate diagnosis of bird flu, specialized testing is needed. In the U.S., the local health department and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provide access to specialized tests. The virus can be detected in the sputum of several methods, including the culture or polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Culture should be in laboratories, the appropriate certification of biological safety are done. The PCR, the nucleic acid of influenza virus A PCR must be identified in specialized reference laboratories for avian influenza strains available.

During and after infection with bird flu, the body makes antibodies against the virus. Blood tests can detect these antibodies, but this requires a trial to the beginning and again later in a few weeks.Therefore, the results are not available until the patient recovered or died.

Due to the limited number of human cases, it was not possible to conduct rigorous studies on the treatment of bird flu. The current recommendation of the World Health Organization is to use an antiviral drug called oseltamivir (Tamiflu). In September 2011, the CDC has said: "Two other antiviral medications oseltamivir and zanamivir, would probably work to be caused by H5N1 influenza, but need further studies carried out to demonstrate their effectiveness."

The prognosis in cases of human bird flu remains low. Many cases occur in people who are poor live in rural areas in underdeveloped countries, and no new access to intensive care or antiviral therapy.About 60% of persons diagnosed with avian flu ultimately die from the disease.

Bird flu can be achieved by avoiding contact with sick poultry from countries affected by the virus to prevent its. In 2011, Egypt has reported the most cases to date. Prevention also includes safety measures such as the destruction of poultry flocks, where sick birds were identified, and the vaccination of healthy cattle. Combined with import bans, has effectively limited the spread of this culling bird flu, but of course has negative effects on the poultry and egg industry.Unlike some researchers suggest that SARS was from the world or the Ebola virus, which has a close spatial extent eliminated, there goes the bird flu in important regions of the world and can spread widely by migrating birds.

Properly handling and cooking poultry and eggs can kill viruses like the bird flu virus. Hands should be washed before and after handling poultry and eggs, and surfaces that come into contact with food must be thoroughly cleaned with hot soapy water. Cooked poultry must be an internal temperature of at least 165 F.

Respirators and others should be used when caring for patients with bird flu. If a person is in close contact with an infected patient, the person can immediately be offered to oseltamivir in an attempt to prevent infection.

In  2007 the FDA approved the first vaccine in the United States for the people against the virus HPAI. The vaccine is made from inactivated virus and does not contain any live virus. It has been shown to stimulate the immune system to produce antibodies against the virus of bird flu, which could probably do to protect people against bird flu. The vaccine was purchased by the federal government for inclusion in the Strategic National Stockpile CDC. It is not for the general public, partly because the U.S. does not currently have a problem with the highly pathogenic bird flu. Vaccine side effects include a sore arm, fatigue, muscle pain and temporary.The vaccine was tested in many patients, however, and it can be other side effects is not yet covered. The current vaccine is effective against the strain that causes large outbreaks of bird flu, but it can not be found as effective against a new mutant strain in 2011.

Research on vaccines against the influenza virus is not yet complete, and new development as a vaccine antigen that is addressed often and relatively constant over the flu virus, a vaccine that protects against most leading, if not all of the influenza virus. If this research is successful, the potential influenza outbreaks, including avian influenza, can be reduced or avoided in the future.

Monday, May 28, 2012

All About of Cataract Disease

A cataract is a disease, a painless clouding of the lens of the eye.Cataracts occur when the protein accumulates on the lenses and blocks a portion of the light to pass through, thereby making it difficult to see clearly. Over time, Qatar acts lead to blindness. They are often on the age, but sometimes it can develop in young people.
In a normal eye, light enters and passes through the lens. The lens focuses the light into a sharp image on the retina, which relay messages through the optic nerve to the brain. If the goal is clear from a cataract, the image you have blurred vision. Other eye diseases, such as myopia, blurred vision, and create, but Qatar file distinctive signs and symptoms.

Symptoms of cataracts:

- Blurred vision
Blurred vision at any distance is the most common symptom of Qatar's file. Your perspective may seem foggy, hazy or cloudy. Over time, as the lenses become darker, less light reaches the retina.People with cataracts can see a particularly difficult time at night.

- Glare
Another early symptom of cataracts is glare or light sensitivity. You may have trouble seeing when in bright sunlight. Interior lighting, as soon as you do not seem to bother today may be light or halos.Night driving can become a problem because of the glare from oncoming headlights.

- Double Vision
Sometimes cataracts can cause double vision (diplopia also known as). As cataracts develop more, double vision may be lost.

The color changes -
Cataracts can affect your color perception, so that some colors fade. Your vision may gradually take on a brownish or yellowish. At first you may not notice this discoloration. But over time it can make it difficult to distinguish between blue and purple.

- Second Sight
Sometimes a cataract temporarily improve the ability to see a person, up close, because the actions of the cataract as a powerful lens. This is called second sight, because people who had once been needed reading glasses may find that they do not, they no longer need. As the cataract worsens, however, it goes on and vision deteriorated again.

- Order of New
Frequent changes in your eyeglasses or contact lenses may be a sign of cataracts. This is because Qatar acts are progressive, that is, they become more serious over time.

Most of Qatar acts are related to aging. More than half of all Americans over 65 are acts of Qatar. Babies are sometimes born with cataracts, as well as congenital cataract, or children as a result of injury or disease to develop.

The exact cause of cataracts is unknown. Although the risk increases as you age, these factors may also contribute to:
- Diabetes
- Smoking
- Excessive use of alcohol
Eye Injury -
- Prolonged use of corticosteroids
- Prolonged exposure to sunlight or radiation

Most of Qatar acts are diagnosed with an eye examination. Your doctor will test your vision and your eyes examined with a slit lamp exam to check for problems with the lens and other parts of the eye.The pupils are far better to examine the back of the eye where the retina and optic nerves.
If your loss of vision can not be corrected with glasses or contact lenses, you may need to remove the cataract surgery. In cataract surgery the clouded lens is removed and replaced with an artificial lens. The surgery will be performed as an outpatient, is safe and highly effective in improving vision. If cataracts in both eyes, surgery is performed on one eye at a time.

There are two types of cataract surgery. In the most common form, called phacoemulsification, or phaco, the doctor makes a small incision in the eye and break the lens with ultrasound waves. The lens is removed and an artificial lens is produced (as an intraocular lens or IOL). In extracapsular cataract surgery, the doctor makes a larger incision and removes the part of the objective disorder in one piece.

A recent development in cataract surgery, multifocal IOLs, the vision is able to correct near and far. Classic "monofocal" lenses only correct distance vision, reading glasses means are needed after surgery. Other "premium" implants to correct for presbyopia, nearsightedness and astigmatism. A lens for better color perception developed (shown here next to a penny.) An experimental laser surgery for cataract is also promising, so that more accurate results with a less invasive procedure.

For a few days, your eye may cause itching and sensitive to light.You can drop dedicated to facilitate healing and asked to wear a face shield or goggles. It will take about eight weeks for the eye to heal completely, if you should start your vision to improve quickly after surgery. You can still wear glasses, at least occasionally, for distance or reading - and a new prescription, after the healing is complete.

Complications of cataract surgery are rare. The most common risks include bleeding, infection, and changes in intraocular pressure, all of which are treatable, if earlier. Surgery slightly increases the risk of retinal detachment, which requires emergency treatment.Sometimes the tissue around the implant may become cloudy or even years after surgery. The "after-cataract" corrected with a laser to make a small hole in the capsule to make light happen.

Regardless of whether an operation is to undergo cataract there, you and your doctor. Sometimes a cataract should be removed immediately, but it is usually not the case. Cataracts affect vision slowly over time so many people are waiting for surgery on glasses or contact lenses are no longer enough to improve their vision. If you do not feel that your cataracts cause problems in your daily life, you can choose to wait.

What can you do to reduce the risk of developing Qatar file:
- No smoking.
- Always wear a hat or sunglasses in the sun.
- Keep your diabetes under control.
- Limit your consumption of alcohol.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

All Opposite of Swine Influenza H1N1

Swine influenza (swine flu) is a respiratory disease caused by viruses (influenza viruses) that infect the respiratory tract of pigs, which caused in nasal secretions, a barking cough, decreased appetite, and listless behavior. Swine flu produces most of the same symptoms as human influenza in pigs produced in humans.Swine flu may be about one to two weeks in pigs, the last to survive.Swine flu virus was first isolated from pigs in 1930 in the United States and was recognized by pork producers and veterinarians to cause infections in pigs worldwide. In a series of cases, people have to be infected with swine flu if they develop close to pigs (eg farmers, pork processors) associated, and even pig populations was sometimes infection with human influenza infection. In most cases there was cross-species infections (swine virus to humans, human influenza viruses in pigs) in local areas and not cause infection, either national or global in pigs or humans. Unfortunately, this inter-species influenza virus had the potential to change.Investigators believe the strain of swine flu in 2009, first in Mexico seen H1N1 flu should be called because they infect mainly the people and has two main surface antigens, H1 (hemagglutinin type 1) and N1 (neuraminidase type 1). Recent polls show that eight RNA strands of novel H1N1 flu have a strand of human influenza strains, two of the Avian Influenza (Bird) and strains, five strains of pigs came from. Swine flu spreads from person to person by inhalation or ingestion of droplets, which is the virus from people coughing or sneezing, not to disclose it by eating cooked pork products.
H1N1 swine flu virus
The cause of swine flu is an influenza A virus known as H1N1 type. It is in this form or business, because two major antigens (H and N) on the surface by immunological methods (H or hemagglutinin and neuraminidase or N) is detected. In 2011, a new swine flu virus detected. The new strain of influenza is infected as AC (H3N2) Only a few people (mostly children), but the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is to develop a vaccine against this virus. A separate article describes some of the details about this new flu virus. In general, all influenza A virus H1N1 have a similar structure, each has a slightly different kind of H and / or N-structure.

Many researchers now consider that two main series of events may lead to the swine flu (avian influenza or bird as well) is one of the main causes of influenza in humans.

First, the influenza virus type A, B, C) enveloped RNA viruses with a segmented genome, which means that the viral RNA genetic code, not a single strand of RNA, but exists as eight different RNA segments in influenza virus. A virus of human influenza (or bird), a cell can infect Porcine Respiratory packaged together with a virus such as swine flu, some RNA strands of viral replication within the human error limit of the swine influenza virus. For example, a cell can contain eight swine flu and flu-eight RNA segments. The total number of species of RNA in a cell would, 16, four pigs and four against influenza RNA segments into a single particle could be embedded so that it segmented a viable eight influenza virus RNA from the 16 types of segments available . Various combinations of RNA segments in a subtype of the virus of the new (known a method of antigenic drift) are preferably the ability to infect humans cause, but have unique characteristics that the swine flu virus (see Figure 1). It is even possible to contain the RNA strands from birds, swine and human influenza viruses in a virus, if one cell of the three types of influenza (eg, two avian influenza infected with three against swine flu, and three RNA segments of human influenza, a viable new type of eight segments of influenza virus genome to produce).Formation of a new species is considered to be viral antigenic shift, small changes within a single segment in influenza virus RNA is called antigenic drift, and the result of minor changes in the virus.However, they can collect in time to sufficiently small changes that generate cumulative change in antigenic composition of the virus over time (usually years).

Second, pigs can play a unique role as an intermediate host to the types of swine flu because, new airway cells directly with bird and human influenza viruses infect other mammals are. Therefore, pig respiratory cells are probably infected with many types of flu and can function as a "mixing pot" of the RNA segments of influenza (see Figure 1). Influenza viruses from birds infect in general, gastrointestinal cells of many species of birds, are paid in the feces of birds. Pigs can take over this virus from the environment, and this seems to be the main way that avian flu virus RNA segments occur, the population against influenza viruses to be in mammals.

The symptoms of swine flu are similar to most influenza infections: fever (100 ° F or higher), cough, runny nose, fatigue and headache, fatigue reported in most infected. Some patients also get nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. In Mexico, most patients infected with H1N1 initials young adults, so that some researchers believe that a strong immune response, as they have seen in young people, can cause collateral damage tissue.
H1N1 cycle
Some patients develop severe respiratory symptoms, (such as a ventilator to breathe for the patient) need assistance in breathing.Patients get a pneumonia (bacterial secondary infections), if the viral infection persists, and some may develop cramps. Death often occurs from secondary bacterial infection of the lungs should be used appropriate antibiotics in these patients. The usual mortality (death) from influenza A-type is about 0.1%, while the 1918 "Spanish flu" epidemic has had an estimated mortality rate of 2% -20%. A (H1N1) flu in Mexico were about 160 deaths and 2,500 confirmed cases, which would correspond to a mortality rate of about 6%, but these early data have been revised and mortality worldwide is currently estimated to be much lower. In June 2009, the virus had reached 74 countries on all continents except Antarctica, and in September 2009, the virus had been reported in most countries (over 200) in the world. Fortunately, the mortality rate of H1N1 has remained low and similar to normal influenza (average rate of infant mortality from influenza is projected around 36 000 per year from H1N1 flu deaths per year determined 90 000 United States was by the President of the Advisory Committee, but he hasnever approached that number higher).

Fortunately, although the H1N1 pandemic developed (worldwide) flu virus, the mortality rate in the U.S. and many other countries, that nearly the usual number of flu deaths in the world. Speculation about why the death rate was much lower than expected a greater public awareness and action that has led to increased hygiene (especially hand washing), a fairly rapid development of a new vaccine, and the patient self-testing in isolation, if onset of symptoms . Research continues to develop data-based answers to these questions.

Swine flu is suspected clinically diagnosed by the history of association with persons known to the disease and symptoms listed above. In general, a rapid test (eg, nasopharyngeal swab) performed to determine whether the patient with influenza A or influenza B infection, most tests can switch between modes to distinguish A and B. The test may be negative (no flu infection) or positive for type A and B. If the test is positive for Type B influenza is not likely to be the swine flu (H1N1). If it is positive for type A, the person can a conventional flu virus, or swine flu (H1N1). However, the accuracy of these tests has been questioned, and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has been no comparative studies of testing completed. But a new test by the CDC and a commercial company is developing could reliably detect H1N1 in about an hour of the test has only been in the army.In 2010 the FDA approved a test commercially available, could detect H1N1 in four hours. Most of these rapid tests based on PCR-based technology.

Swine flu (H1N1) is definitively by the identification of antigens associated with the diagnosis of specific virus type. In general, this test is performed in a specialized laboratory and is not performed by many doctors' offices or hospital laboratories. However, doctors' offices in a position to send samples to specialized laboratories, if necessary. Due to the large number of new cases of H1N1 swine flu in the 2009-2010 influenza season (the vast majority of influenza cases [95% -99%] had occurred due to new H1N1 virus), the CDC recommends that hospital "influenza virus strains of laboratory sent to reference for identification.

The best treatment for influenza infection in humans is prevention by vaccination. Work from several laboratories has recently produced vaccines. The first vaccine was released in early October 2009, a nasal spray vaccine was approved for use in healthy people aged 2 to 49. The injectable vaccine, influenza H1N1 has killed, has to be available in late October Week 2009. This vaccine was approved for use at the age of 6 months for older people, including pregnant women. Both vaccines have been by the CDC to be proved by the conduct of clinical trials that safe and effective vaccines are approved. However, should members pointed out that the guidelines vaccines vaccines, as it sometimes will change the rules.Please refer to the section below titled "Is the H1N1 swine flu can be prevented with a vaccine?”

Almost all vaccines have side effects. Common side effects of vaccines against H1N1 influenza vaccines are typical and are as follows:
- Influenza vaccine: pain, redness, slight swelling at the site of shooting, muscle aches, mild fever, nausea and generally not longer than about 24 hours.
- Nasal spray: runny nose, mild fever, vomiting, headache, wheezing, coughing and sore throat.

The vaccine against influenza virus is killed out of particles, so that a person can not catch the flu taken from a vaccine against influenza.However, the nasal spray vaccine contains live viruses that have been modified to affect their ability to replicate in human tissues.People with weakened immune systems should not be vaccinated with the nasal spray. In addition, most vaccines contain influenza virus particles grown in eggs, so people should not be allergic to eggs be vaccinated, unless tested and recommended by their doctor they have been cleared for it. Like all vaccines, rare events, in rare cases (eg, swelling, weakness or shortness of breath) may occur. If symptoms develop, such as this, the person should seek medical attention immediately.

Two antiviral agents have been reported to prevent or reduce the effects of swine flu. They are to prevent zanamivir (Relenza) and oseltamivir (Tamiflu), both of which are also used, or to reduce symptoms of influenza A and B. This medication should not be used indiscriminately, because viral resistance, they can and has occurred. They are also not recommended if the symptoms of the flu already exists for over 48 hours or more, although hospitalized patients could still be processed by the guideline of 48 hours.Serious infections occurred in some patients, additional measures to support, such as ventilation support and treatment of other infections such as pneumonia, which can occur in patients with severe flu infection. The CDC has proposed in its interim report guidelines that pregnant women can be treated with both anti-viral agents.