Monday, May 28, 2012

All About of Cataract Disease

A cataract is a disease, a painless clouding of the lens of the eye.Cataracts occur when the protein accumulates on the lenses and blocks a portion of the light to pass through, thereby making it difficult to see clearly. Over time, Qatar acts lead to blindness. They are often on the age, but sometimes it can develop in young people.
In a normal eye, light enters and passes through the lens. The lens focuses the light into a sharp image on the retina, which relay messages through the optic nerve to the brain. If the goal is clear from a cataract, the image you have blurred vision. Other eye diseases, such as myopia, blurred vision, and create, but Qatar file distinctive signs and symptoms.

Symptoms of cataracts:

- Blurred vision
Blurred vision at any distance is the most common symptom of Qatar's file. Your perspective may seem foggy, hazy or cloudy. Over time, as the lenses become darker, less light reaches the retina.People with cataracts can see a particularly difficult time at night.

- Glare
Another early symptom of cataracts is glare or light sensitivity. You may have trouble seeing when in bright sunlight. Interior lighting, as soon as you do not seem to bother today may be light or halos.Night driving can become a problem because of the glare from oncoming headlights.

- Double Vision
Sometimes cataracts can cause double vision (diplopia also known as). As cataracts develop more, double vision may be lost.

The color changes -
Cataracts can affect your color perception, so that some colors fade. Your vision may gradually take on a brownish or yellowish. At first you may not notice this discoloration. But over time it can make it difficult to distinguish between blue and purple.

- Second Sight
Sometimes a cataract temporarily improve the ability to see a person, up close, because the actions of the cataract as a powerful lens. This is called second sight, because people who had once been needed reading glasses may find that they do not, they no longer need. As the cataract worsens, however, it goes on and vision deteriorated again.

- Order of New
Frequent changes in your eyeglasses or contact lenses may be a sign of cataracts. This is because Qatar acts are progressive, that is, they become more serious over time.

Most of Qatar acts are related to aging. More than half of all Americans over 65 are acts of Qatar. Babies are sometimes born with cataracts, as well as congenital cataract, or children as a result of injury or disease to develop.

The exact cause of cataracts is unknown. Although the risk increases as you age, these factors may also contribute to:
- Diabetes
- Smoking
- Excessive use of alcohol
Eye Injury -
- Prolonged use of corticosteroids
- Prolonged exposure to sunlight or radiation

Most of Qatar acts are diagnosed with an eye examination. Your doctor will test your vision and your eyes examined with a slit lamp exam to check for problems with the lens and other parts of the eye.The pupils are far better to examine the back of the eye where the retina and optic nerves.
If your loss of vision can not be corrected with glasses or contact lenses, you may need to remove the cataract surgery. In cataract surgery the clouded lens is removed and replaced with an artificial lens. The surgery will be performed as an outpatient, is safe and highly effective in improving vision. If cataracts in both eyes, surgery is performed on one eye at a time.

There are two types of cataract surgery. In the most common form, called phacoemulsification, or phaco, the doctor makes a small incision in the eye and break the lens with ultrasound waves. The lens is removed and an artificial lens is produced (as an intraocular lens or IOL). In extracapsular cataract surgery, the doctor makes a larger incision and removes the part of the objective disorder in one piece.

A recent development in cataract surgery, multifocal IOLs, the vision is able to correct near and far. Classic "monofocal" lenses only correct distance vision, reading glasses means are needed after surgery. Other "premium" implants to correct for presbyopia, nearsightedness and astigmatism. A lens for better color perception developed (shown here next to a penny.) An experimental laser surgery for cataract is also promising, so that more accurate results with a less invasive procedure.

For a few days, your eye may cause itching and sensitive to light.You can drop dedicated to facilitate healing and asked to wear a face shield or goggles. It will take about eight weeks for the eye to heal completely, if you should start your vision to improve quickly after surgery. You can still wear glasses, at least occasionally, for distance or reading - and a new prescription, after the healing is complete.

Complications of cataract surgery are rare. The most common risks include bleeding, infection, and changes in intraocular pressure, all of which are treatable, if earlier. Surgery slightly increases the risk of retinal detachment, which requires emergency treatment.Sometimes the tissue around the implant may become cloudy or even years after surgery. The "after-cataract" corrected with a laser to make a small hole in the capsule to make light happen.

Regardless of whether an operation is to undergo cataract there, you and your doctor. Sometimes a cataract should be removed immediately, but it is usually not the case. Cataracts affect vision slowly over time so many people are waiting for surgery on glasses or contact lenses are no longer enough to improve their vision. If you do not feel that your cataracts cause problems in your daily life, you can choose to wait.

What can you do to reduce the risk of developing Qatar file:
- No smoking.
- Always wear a hat or sunglasses in the sun.
- Keep your diabetes under control.
- Limit your consumption of alcohol.

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